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Release Notes Week of 02.17.2025

The following have been deployed in this release.

1. Advocacy (released on 02/21)


ID Work Item Type Title APP
43307 Feature

Advocacy Targeting Enhancements & UX Improvements
We've expanded the filtering options for issue targets to give you even greater control over advocacy outreach. Under the Targets tab in an issue record, you can now refine selections beyond just state—filter by party affiliation and gender while still maintaining the district-to-constituent association. 

Additionally, to improve clarity, we’ve renamed the “Regions” tab to “Restrictions” to better reflect its purpose: limiting sign-ups to constituents with an address in the selected state. These updates help ensure more precise advocacy targeting and a clearer user experience.

42003 Feature Representative Party Now Displayed on Action Alert Pages
For clients using our Advocacy functionality, issue pages now display the party affiliation next to legislator names. This update includes party indicators such as (D) for Democrat, (R) for Republican, and others, providing clearer context for your advocacy efforts.


42716 Bug

Hide signatures on petitions - same setting as actions taken


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