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Donations: How to Manage a Transaction
Authored by: Michaela Hyden
on 5/29/2024 3:01:00 PM


You may find that you need to manage a transaction to update certain attributions such as the initiative or even assign the transaction to a sustainer account. The below article will outline all of the tabs and what options you have while managing these transactions.

Under Donations > Transactions > Search & Manage, hover over the three dots to the right of a listing. Click on the Manage link that appears first.

NOTE: The orange symbol next to the Contact info appears to indicate that new contact information has been detected. If a contact was entered twice, or somehow other information was processed similar to the contact listed, the orange symbol will suggest updating the contact information. If clicked, it will provide a quick link to update the contact if desired, or dismiss it. If dismissed, the orange symbol will disappear with no change to the contact.

Manage Link

Clicking the Manage link will open a page similar to this one. The page will default to the General subtab under the Detail tab.

Detail Tab

Contact Subtab

Under the Detail tab is the Contact subtab. This holds all of the details of the contact associated with this particular transaction. This information can be updated at any time.

NOTE: Changing the contact information in this section updates the contact ONLY for the single transaction. Go to the Contacts section (on the sidebar above Donations) in order to update a contact fully.

Actions Button

Next to Contact is an Actions button used to change the type of contact within a transaction. Hover over Actions and click Change when the option appears. A section like the one below will appear, and the type can be selected and the information put in. If the contact information is already saved in the system, click Advanced Search and input a portion of the contact for it to suggest contact options to save. NOTE: The Search button must be pressed in order for suggestions to appear.

Payment Subtab

The payment subtab contains all the payment information about the transaction. The method of payment will change what this screen looks like and what options appear. Credit card transactions are not editable, but can be voided if the transaction is approved and still pending.

Attribution Subtab

The attribution subtab allows a user to give different kinds of credit to a particular transaction, whether it is what campaign the transaction supported, what response channel the donor used to submit the transaction, etc.

Note: adding attributions to a transactions, such as an opportunity, after the creation of the transaction will not cause problems and can be done at any time.

Online Subtab

The online subtab is a space to record the online segments of a campaign that may be relevant to the transaction.

Peer-to-Peer Subtab

The Peer-to-Peer subtab will indicate whether a donation has been made to a peer-to-peer page. This will typically be filled in automatically if the payment already went through the system, but if it hasn’t (for example, if a donor sent a donation in through cash or check) it is possible to manually enter their donation. Choose to add it to a pre-created page or a pre-established team. Once the page or team has been chosen, simply click ADD and it will appear in a list (example below). Hovering over the three dots in the ACTIONS column will provide the option to delete the attribution.

NOTE: New Peer-to-Peer pages CANNOT be created on this subtab. Peer-to-Peer pages can be created by clicking Online > New Peer-to-Peer.

Acknowledgement Tab

History Subtab

This subtab displays the history of acknowledgements sent out for this particular transaction. It will list the date it was sent, the type (acknowledgement), the method with which it was sent, and the status of the acknowledgement. It will display a copy of what was sent. Click the message to enlarge it and see a copy of what was specifically sent to the contact of this transaction.

Preferences Subtab

There are three switches under the Preferences subtab. Click to switch between Yes and No on each of the options at any discretion.

Advanced Subtab

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