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Printing the Contact Summary Page
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on 6/26/2024 2:35:00 PM


The Contact Summary screen contains all of the information associated with the contact. It tracks every interaction the contact has had with an organization. The Print button in the top right corner will create an easy-to-read, printable PDF of all the information you choose to include on the page.


In order to only add the content you would like to the PDF, you must first hide the content on the main page using the panels. If, for example, you wanted to create a PDF report that only contained the Summary section and the Opportunities section, you would have to hide all of the panels that you do not want in the report by clicking the X in the top right corner of each unwanted panel.

The top summary section can also be hidden if you would prefer not to include it.

When you have hidden all panels except for the ones with the information you want, click the Print icon in the top right corner of the page.

A pop-up print screen will appear. The sections will be separated evenly by type, creating a clean, organized, printable report for records.

For an example of what this would look like, please click here.

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