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Reports & Analytics: How to Use the Report Builder Tool
Authored by: Michaela Hyden
on 3/14/2025 4:46:00 PM


CharityEngine has a host of reporting options to assist you and your users to quickly and easily gain insights to your donors, their actions, and engagement with your organization. While there are over 90 out of the box reports, CharityEngine also provides you with more customizable reporting throughout each of the applications. The Report Builder is a great tool and will help save a lot of time. The tool will allow you to build a report on almost every page in CharityEngine and will contain all information you have selected. By using the Report Builder in combination with filters, you can easily find the information and save the report to be used in the future. This will save you time as you will only have to search for the information once.


This feature will be available on most listing screens. While this article will demonstrate contacts, transactions, and events, explore other areas within your CharityEngine account to leverage the Report Builder for other applications. 

Instruction: Contacts App - Building a Report to Locate Contacts in a Specific County

This is a demonstration and example of leveraging the Report Builder feature within the Contacts App. Please explore the various filter criteria available for more complex or specific filter options. 

Use Case: Locate all contacts, located within Hamilton County, AND Receive Email = Yes AND gave over $500 in calendar year 2022 or gave anytime between $1,000 and $5,000
Step 1: Navigate to the Contacts App > Organizations & People > Contacts > Advanced Filter
Step 2: Select criteria:
General Tab: Receive Email = Yes (right hand side)
Address Tab: County = Hamilton
Advanced Segmentation Tab:
from drop down list select Giving
Selecting calendar year 2022 
Greater than 500
from drop down list select Total Amount
Select between 
1000 and 5000
Condition: "Or"
Click  Apply
Step 3: Navigate to the Report Builder (top right-hand corner - graph icon)
Step 4: Create a report name, select your data points, click SAVE

Note: Leverage the select all and removal all to quickly adjust data elements to include/exclude from your report
Step 5: Once saved, click on the Report Builder (graph icon) and select your report from Load saved report. In the Name field click on the calendar icon to navigate to the Schedule Automatic Report Delivery pop-up.

Step 6: Name your job, select your Start Date and time, set your Frequency, and add one or more emails for notification (use comma for multiple emails)
Step 7: Click CREATE to secure your changes.  
Note: Scheduling is optional. 
Note: Click on ADVANCED to navigate to the Data Job wizard for more advanced delivery options
Pro Tip: This report will also be available in the Campaigns App to be easily used for an Email Blast

Instruction: Donations App - Building a Report to Locate Donors Who Donated Over $100 and Assigned to Specific Solicitor 

This is a demonstration and example of leveraging the Report Builder feature within the Donations App. Please explore the various filter criteria available for more complex or specific filter options. 

Use Case: Locate all contacts associated with a specific solicitor, payments only, transaction greater than $100.
Step 1: Navigate to the Donations App > Transactions > Search & Manage > Advanced Filter
Step 2: Select criteria:
Quick Filters: Show: Payments Only (from drop down)
Payment Tab: Amount Min $: 100
Attribution Tab: Solicitor = Nancy Andrews-Solicitor
Click  Apply
Step 3: Navigate to the Report Builder (top right-hand corner - graph icon)
Step 4: Create a report name, select your data points, click SAVE
Step 5: Once saved, click on the Report Builder (graph icon) and select your report from Load saved report. In the Name field click on the calendar icon to navigate to the Schedule Automatic Report Delivery pop-up.
Step 6: Name your job, select your Start Date and time, set your Frequency, and add one or more emails for notification (use comma for multiple emails)
Step 7: Click CREATE to secure your changes.  
Note: Scheduling is optional. 
Note: Click on ADVANCED to navigate to the Data Job wizard for more advanced delivery options

Instruction: Events App - Building a Report to Locate  

This is a demonstration and example of leveraging the Report Builder feature within the Events & Volunteers App. Please explore the various filter criteria available for more complex or specific filter options. 

Use Case: Locate all contacts associated with a specific ticket and within a specific region.
Step 1: Navigate to the Events & Volunteers App > Events > Search & Manage > Advanced Filter
Step 2: Select criteria:
Ticket: Annual Gala
Region: CharityEngine Foundation East Region
Click  Apply
Step 3: Navigate to the Report Builder (top right-hand corner - graph icon)
Step 4: Create a report name, select your data points, click SAVE
Step 5: Once saved, click on the Report Builder (graph icon) and select your report from Load saved report. In the Name field click on the calendar icon to navigate to the Schedule Automatic Report Delivery pop-up.
Step 6: Name your job, select your Start Date and time, set your Frequency, and add one or more emails for notification (use comma for multiple emails)
Step 7: Click CREATE to secure your changes.  
Note: Scheduling is optional. 
Note: Click on ADVANCED to navigate to the Data Job wizard for more advanced delivery options

FAQs & Additional Reading

Q. Can I create a report and share with others?
A. Yes. You can share reports so others on your team are also available in the Report Builder list. To make a report shared navigate to the Reports & Analytics App > General > Report Builder > locate your report > ACTIONS: Make Shared. The visibility field will be modified to 'Shared" and now others will be able to see the report in their report builder drop down. 

Q. I scheduled a report and need to modify the frequency. How do I accomplish this?
A. Learn more with our article Automation & Workflow: Modifying a Data Job
Q. Can I filter on giving history from the Contact App and listing screen?
A. Yes - navigate to the Contacts App > Organization & People > Contacts > Advanced Filter > access the drop down select one of the giving history elements. In addition, filter options such as "Equal to" or "Greater than" to assist you with advanced filtering. 

Multiple filters can be used at the same time. Simply select another filter from the Add Filter dropdown and it will appear below the first filter.

If multiple filters are being used, you will need to select either And or Or to determine how the filters will be used. If you select And, only contacts that meet both filters’ criteria will be displayed. If you select Or, contacts that meet at least one of the filters’ criteria will be displayed.

Q. Can I filter on last activity date for a contact record? 
A. Yes - navigate to the Contacts App > Organization & People > Contacts > Advanced Filter > access the drop down select Most Recent Activity Date. In addition, filter options such as "Equal to" or "Greater than" to assist you with advanced filtering.

Q. Can I build a report that displays all contacts in the database with no limits or criteria?
A. Yes, navigate to the Contact listing screen and simply click search with no filters. Click Export to export all fields or use the report builder to select the fields you wish to see.

Q. How do I pull a report of all contacts who have donated?
A. By using the giving filters on the contact listing screen and setting the total giving is greater than 0, you will find all contacts who have donated.

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