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Opportunity - Moves Management: Query/Search Practices to Establish Cultivation & Stewardship
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on 3/8/2025 2:31:00 PM


Cultivating and Stewarding contacts is very important and will turn one-time givers into monthly givers such as sustainers. Turning one-time givers into recurring givers and also potentially moving into major donors. 


  1. Establishing set up and configuration of the opportunity tool is advised to maximize the usage and functionality of the Opportunity functionality. 

Instructions- Identification of donors for moves management

The first step in cultivating and stewarding for moves management is identification of your target audience. Not only is it important to identify your major gift donors, but it's also important to identify your donors who are advancing from one giving level to the next. There are several data points that can guide you on your evaluation for target audience - they can extend beyond last gift date and value and can also include engagement with your organization as a volunteer or advocate for your organization. CharityEngine hosts a variety of channels to evaluate and segment your donor lists for moves management/opportunity engagement. 

Search Criteria (Intermediate Level)

Step 1: To create basic filtering of contacts, navigate to the People App > Organizations & People > Search & Manage > and leverage the various filters to segment your contact database.
    1. Navigate through the various Advanced Filter tab to review the robust filtering elements available. Use a combination of filters to refine your target audience.
    2. Note: Please click Apply with any filter adjustments

Note: Leveraging the Advanced Segmentation tab allows you to also filter by basic gift amounts at the contact level - as well as by filtering by any custom fields. This is a helpful segmentation to identify giving history. 

Note: This filter feature also allows for dynamic filters. As exposed in this example in which Giving can be filtered by Calendar or Fiscal Year - and further segmented for year between, equal, greater than, etc. Continue to add additional filter fields to create more complex "And" or "Or" connectors. 

Step 2: Once you have finalized your filter criteria, you can easily export for further analysis outside of CharityEngine. Navigate to the Export icon to export to an excel document.

Instructions: How to bulk assign solicitors

Once you have located your list of contacts, further filters can be used to see if a solicitor has been assigned, if an activity has been created, or if the contacts are already in a group.

Step 1: To find contacts without a solicitor assigned, navigate to the Contacts App > Organizations & People > Search & Manage > Advanced Filter > Advanced tab and uncheck yes for Has Solicitor

Step 2: Bulk assign a solicitor by clicking on the Check Box on the top left > Click Assign Solicitor
    1. Note: To expose this drop down, in the top right hand corner of the contact list, ensure you have selected Viewing Summary
Step 3: Assign records to a solicitor by entering the solicitors name and clicking PROCESS

Instructions: How to bulk create and assign activities

Assigning a solicitor to a contact is not the only step that needs to be taken when trying to cultivate and steward your contacts. Creating and assigning activities is another important step. By creating an activity and assigning it to a contact, a reminder is created to reach out to that contact. This activity can be a phone call, an email, a meeting, etc. that will encourage the contact to continue giving to your organization.

Step 1: To create and assign an activity, click on the contact, just as you did to assign the solicitor, and click on the dropdown to select Create Activity.
Step 2: For those selected, create the type of activity along with details on status and assignments. 
Note: it is important to note that the activity will automatically be assigned to the user creating it, even if they are not the assigned solicitor of the contact. To change the assigned to contact, click on Actions and select change. You will then be able to search for the contact you want the activity to be assigned to.

Step 3: These activities will now be displayed on the Home Dashboard for the solicitor to view. The solicitor now has a reminder to call the contacts and cultivate a relationship with them.

Note: The solicitor will also be able to view the activities by navigating to the Activities page and searching for activities assigned to them.

Return to: Opportunities & Moves Management: Comprehensive Guide for Set Up, Configuration, and Reporting

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