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Peer to Peer: End User - How to Sign Up to Fundraise
Authored by: Megan Gill
on 3/8/2025 2:31:00 PM

How to Sign Up

Instructions: How to Sign Up as an Individual on a Peer-to-Peer form

Once you have made all your configurations, you donors will be able to donate and sign up to participate in the fundraiser through the home page of the microsite.

Donors can sign up for the fundraiser by either creating a team or joining a team by clicking the Sign Up link.

Step 1: From the home page, click Sign Up 

Step 2: The donor will select Register Individual(s) then click NEXT

  • Note: An individual can later join a team if needed

Step 3: Because this example is a Type: Event Hosted, the user will then select the ticket and select NEXT

Step 4: The donor will now create a user profile. 

  • Note: If an an existing account is located when creating a new profile, the user will be routed to the password reset using a One Time Code and either sent via their mobile number or email address (based upon the donor's preference setting)

Step 5: The donor will be asked to add or update their contact information and email communication preferences. The user will click NEXT to advance.

Step 6: Next the donor will be asked any questions as defined within the configuration & set-up. If no questions were presented, this will not be a step for your donor.

  • Note: Questions are not required and a user may elect to not respond

Step 7: The donor will receive a confirmation page. From here, the donor may register another individual. Or they can select DONE - MOVE TO NEXT STEP

Step 8: The donor will then receive a review page. If you have added any legal requirements, the donor will be required to click I accept all terms & conditions in order to advance. The donor will then click REGISTER to advance. 

Step 9: The donor will then receive their congratulations page with the ability to make a donation to their page as a kickstarter. 

  • Note: The donor can then navigate to their dashboard, customize their fundraising story, or begin to share their fundraising through social media channels.
  • Note: At this step, the donor will also receive the "Registration" Email 

Step 10: By selecting customize my fundraising story, the donor/fundraiser can start to customize their individual story, set their goal (beyond the organization's minimum - if applicable), begin getting the work out through email.  

Instructions: How to Sign Up as a Team on a Peer-to-Peer form

Once you have made all your configurations, you donors will be able to donate and sign up to participate in the fundraiser through the home page of the microsite.

Donors can sign up for the fundraiser by either creating a team or joining a team by clicking the Sign Up link.

Step 1: From the home page, click Sign Up 

Step 2: The donor will select Start a New Team then click NEXT

Step 3: Because this example is a Type: Event Hosted, the user will then select the ticket and select NEXT

Step 4: The donor will now create a user profile. 

  • Note: If an an existing account is located when creating a new profile, the user will be routed to the password reset using a One Time Code and either sent via their mobile number or email address (based upon the donor's preference setting)

Step 5: The donor will be asked to add or update their contact information and email communication preferences. The user will click NEXT to advance.

Step 6: Next the donor will be asked any questions as defined within the configuration & set-up. If no questions were presented, this will not be a step for your donor.

  • Note: Questions are not required and a user may elect to not respond

Step 7: The donor will receive a confirmation page. From here, the donor may register their team members. Or they can select DONE - MOVE TO NEXT STEP

Step 8: The donor will then receive a review page. If you have added any legal requirements, the donor will be required to click I accept all terms & conditions in order to advance. The donor will then click REGISTER to advance. 

  1. Note in this example 1 additional team member has been added during registration

Step 9: The donor will then receive their congratulations page with the ability to make a donation to their page as a kickstarter. 

  • Note: The donor can then navigate to their dashboard, customize their fundraising story, or begin to share their fundraising through social media channels.
  • Note: At this step, the donor will also receive the "Registration" Email 

Step 10: By selecting customize my fundraising story, the donor/fundraiser can start to customize their individual story as well as their team page, set their goal (beyond the organization's minimum - if applicable), begin getting the word out through email.  

Step 11: As the team captain, the user also has the ability to invite others to the team, join a team (i.e. if this is a department - this group can join the organization's team), thank donors, and customize their personal and team page. 

Next: End User - Fundraisers Tool Box: How a donor/fundraiser can monitor their results and communication/thank their donors

Previous: Next Step - How to create Join Codes

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