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Peer to Peer: Customize Receipt & Acknowledgements (Basic)
Authored by: Megan Gill
on 6/26/2024 2:04:00 PM

How to customize Receipt & Acknowledgements (Basic)

Receipting and acknowledgement is an important action for both registering as well as receipting for donations. CharityEngine will allow additional customization for receipting needs for a specific peer-to-peer event or customizing a general peer-to-peer receipt for this and future events. 

Receipts & Acknowledgements - Registration Receipt

Step 1: Navigate to the Receipts & Acknowledgements tab and then the Registration Receipt sub-tab. Here you can customize your email's Subject, select the Message Template, create a customized Reply To (if applicable), and finally a Display Name for your email. Click SAVE to secure your changes. 

Receipts & Acknowledgements - Donation Receipt

Step 2: Continuing with the Receipts & Acknowledgements tab, navigate to the Donation Receipts sub-tab to make adjustment for donation receipting emails. This can include adjustments to the email's Subject, Message Template, Reply To, and Display Name. Click SAVE to sure your changes. 

How to create sender specific peer-to-peer emails within the peer-to-peer event (Advanced)

Previous: Peer-to-Peer - How to customize registrant Sign Up details (Basic)

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