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Reports & Analytics: Overview and Usage of the Reports & Analytics Application
Authored by: Megan Gill
on 3/14/2025 4:46:00 PM


CharityEngine has a host of reporting options to assist you and your users to quickly and easily gain insights to your donors, their actions, and engagement with your organization. While there are over 90 out of the box reports, CharityEngine also provides you with more customizable reporting throughout each of the applications. The CharityEngine Reports & Analytics Application offers a comprehensive offering of over 90 out of the box reports and dashboards to allow you to quickly access critical information related to your donors and your database. Take a moment to review the various reports within each section for quick and easy access to reports. 


  1. Reporting is available for all users
  2. Some features reporting only available if included in the account. Please see your account manager if you would like to learn more about a specific feature. 

Reporting Categories & Summary

Below is a summary of the various reporting categories. Feel free to explore all reports to locate those which may be beneficial to you and your organization.

Category Description Top Reports
General Configuration elements to allow users to manage private and public reports, reports scheduling as well as dashboard creation and management.
  1. Report Builder
  2. Dashboards
Contacts Reporting centered around contacts within your database.
  1. Database Size (number of contacts within your database)
  2. Database Source (method in which contacts were acquired)
Opportunities Executive summary and details for moves management reporting.
  1. Pipeline Summary (executive summary of opportunities)
  2. Solicitor Summary (summary of solicitor progression)
Regions & Chapters Reporting summaries designed to summarize contact region assignment.
  1. Region Revenue Summary
  2. Region Event Summary
Transactions Executive summary and details regarding donation performance. 
  1. Payment Summary (dashboard executive summary)
  2. Decline Details (monitoring for trending of declined transactions)
Accounting Accounting reports to evaluate financial details. 
  1. Payment Type Summary (summary of payments by tender type)
  2. Account Collection (donors who are past due in payment)
Fundraising Reports designed to summarize fundraising details. 
  1. Top Donors (evaluation of the organization's highest giving donors)
  2. LYBUNT (last year but not this year gift donations)
Sustainers Monitoring and tracking of recurring gift performance.
  1. Sustainer Dashboard (executive summary of sustainer program)
  2. Multiple Accounts (providing a review of multiple accounts for data governance)
Members Monitoring and tracking of membership performance.
  1. Dues Collection (pivot) (membership collection performance)
Data Enrichment Reporting for integrated CharityEngine data enrichment features.
  1. Card Type CAU Stats (monitor performance and saved revenue from Credit Card Automated Updater feature)
Campaigns Monitoring of email bulk sending performance designed to assist organizations maximize their email sending performance.
  1. Email Deliverability (dashboard summary to evaluate performance over time)
  2. Compare Campaigns (summary review to compare performance across multiple campaigns including outreach, action, and revenue)
Events Monitoring of event activities and details.
  1. Event Registration Stats (summary review to monitor event activities)
  2. Event Team Fundraising Stats (ideal for P2P performance of team giving/activities)
Advocacy Monitoring of advocacy activities.
  1. Issue Dashboard (summary view to monitor advocacy activities)
Funds Accounting/finance reporting for funds assigned to transactions.
  1. Fund Summary (summary view to evaluate performance by fund)
Grassroots Event (peer to peer) Peer to peer reporting to summarize performance and engagement of events.
  1. Event Type Summary (overview of P2P event engagement)
  2. Channel Summary (overview of P2P events by acquisition channel)
Online Reporting for monitoring of website visitors and web form performance.
  1. Form Performance (evaluate and compare web form performance for donor interaction improvements)
  2. Web Traffic Type (evaluate web engagement for activity, malicious activity, unique user engagement)
Email Blast Monitoring for email design/engagement and domain performance.
  1. Analytics by Domain (ISP) (monitor email engagement by ISP)
  2. Email Message Heat Map (visually monitor where donors interact and engage with creative)
Database Monitoring of database users. 
  1. User Change Summary (monitor who is actively creating, changing, deleting within your account)
Security Evaluate and monitor fraud transaction trends and those who are accessing your web forms. 
  1. Fraud Stats Summary (monitor transactions identified as potential fraud)
  2. Web Traffic Screening
Polls & Surveys Easily access the results of your polls or survey results.
  1. Results (summary of survey/poll results)
Merchandise For use with Shopping Cart - allows user to monitor inventory and orders.
  1. Order Stats (monitor sales performance and trends)
  2. Inventory Change Log (monitor inventory levels)
Cases Monitor cases submitted by users and/or donors. 
  1. Cases Dashboard (executive summary dashboard of case performance and trends)

Reporting Feature and Structure

Here are a few tips & tricks when utilizing our out of the box reporting:

  1. Advanced Filter - available on most reports in the top right hand corner to refine your search/report needs
  2. hyper links - many of the reports will allow the user to click through for details
  3. Summary, pivot, vs. pop - there are select reports that allow the user to have data presented in a summary view (typically table view), or within a pivot table view, or comparison view for period over period (pop)
  4. Dashboard - look on executive dashboards to modify date ranges
  5. Export Results - in the top right hand corner, use the 4 box icon to export results to excel

Please also note that each application will also have a section identified as Popular Reports which will also allow users to quickly access top reports associated with the application. These reports will be listed in the Reports & Analytics landing page. 

Report Builder

By accessing the Reports & Analytics App > General > Report Builder, you can access a listing screen for all available reports. These reports are those created and saved from the Reports Listing Screen feature. Reports you have created will be presented to you with a visibility setting of "Personal". If there are reports with visibility of "Shared" indicate those that are available for public view. 

Leverage the ACTIONS menu to export, email the report, edit the report, share the report, adjust any emails (add/edit/delete) for reporting delivery on recurring schedules, adjust any defined scheduling of the report (add/edit/delete for desired frequency), create as a default view, or delete. 


By accessing the Reports & Analytics App > General > Dashboard, you can access a listing screen for all created dashboards. As a default, you will have an out of the box dashboard for ^^client name^^ Dashboard as well as a Campaigns Dashboard. Any additional dashboards that have been customized will be presented here. In addition to accessing the Create New to initiate a new dashboard, access the ACTIONS: column to expose options to navigate to the Editor, adjust the dashboard Settings, Clone the dashboard, Disable the dashboard, or Delete the dashboard. 

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