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Adding Badges to Peer-To-Peer
Jessica Mocha 6/26/2024 2:37:00 PM


An easy way to gamify your Peer-To-Peer microsite is to add badges or Achievement Levels for your participants to earn. By creating badges for your participants to earn for certain actions, it motivates them to fundraise for your cause and invite others to join as well.


To add an achievement level badge, navigate to the advanced tab in CharityEngine for the Peer-to-Peer cite. Under the Advanced tab, you will see the subtab for Achievements Levels.

Click on Add New on the right side of the screen to add a new achievement.

From here you will be able to set the requirements for the achievement and what badge the participant will earn.

There are multiple types of achievements that can earn your participants badges, such as adding contacts to their address book, meeting or exceeding their fundraising goal, and the number of team members.

You will also need to set the requirement to receive the badge. For example, if your type is number of team members, you will need to set the number of team members to earn the badge.

In the example above, the participant will receive a badge for having at least two team members.

Upload a custom icon by clicking on the upload file button

Once you have set all the requirements and uploaded the file, click on Associate to add the achievement level to your microsite.

The achievement will now show under the Achievement levels

Note: you can use the same achievement type multiple times and create different badges for each level. For example, if the achievement type is number of donations, you can have one badge be for five donations, then another badge for ten donations, and so on. They will receive a new badge for each additional level they reach.

Once the achievements are met, they will show on the user dashboard on the microsite.

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