The Contact Record Summary page is a compilation of all of the ways the contact has interacted with your organization. Access all of their transactional history, relationships, opportunities, activities, etc. on one organized page.
Table of Contents
Top Icons
At the top of the contact record is the name of the contact and blurbs of basic information about the contact. Clicking on these icons will trigger different responses.
Note: Icons will only appear if the contact has participated in the activities of the icon type. For example, if the contact has made a donation, they will receive the Donor icon badge; if they have attended an event, they will receive the Events icon badge, etc. The icons that appear under a contact name are directly related to what the contact has done within the organization.
1.Basic contact information, such as Name, address, phone number, and email address will be displayed at the top of the record
2. Donor Gift Probability and Score will show you how likely they are to donate, what their gift ask should be, and how involved they are with the organization
3. System badges such as donor and status will appear in the badges section. Any custom badges will also display here. The number next to the badge indicates the amount of items that exist in that category. Form example you can see Mary has 380 next to Donor, meaning she had donated 380 times.
4. Use these icons to edit the contact record and see additional information such as other addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses
Icons for Panels
A listing of panels appears below the general information summary section of a contact record page. Scroll down to find the panels. Each panel has a varying choice of icons used to interact with it. It will be two or more of the following:
1. The Filter icon will allow you to filter by fields associated with the panel.
2. The plus icon will allow you to create new records for the panel you are on.
3. Click on the download icon to export the records
4. The refresh icon will reset your panel
The Timeline section of the contact record is the space that shows all of a contact’s activity. Whether they click on a page, make a donation, create a peer to peer page, etc., their activity will be recorded in this section of the contact’s record page.
The connections to other contacts will be displayed in this section. Create new relationships by clicking the + symbol, and navigate to the connections section by clicking on the linked numbers next to the connection type.
Last Activity
The Last Activity section displays the most recent activity the contact has participated in.
Next Activity
The Next Activity section displays the next activity scheduled for the contact. You can create new activities for the contact by clicking the + sign.
The Opportunities section displays active opportunities related to this contact.
The donations section tracks the donations that this contact has made. Default view will display a graph for current YTD. Select date ranges from the date drop down. Also, access a table view by clicking on the table icon.
The communications section allows an administrator to change the communication preferences easily from the main page. The Communication preference is the global preference for the donor (i.e. if the user has more than 2 emails, all emails will be suppressed if the the communication flag is set to No)
The summary section is a small section of the contact record that displays a brief summary of the contact’s donation history.
Add and Go-To Buttons
There is a short list of icons at the top of the contact record page, including Add, Go To, Edit, Print, and Minimize.
Add: click on the plus icon to bring up the options of sections to add to the record. Adding these section will bring up different pages or pop-ups to add information into.
Go To: click on the Go To text box in order to bring up the sections of the record in which there is already data. Click on any of these to navigate to that section of the Contact Summary.
Customizing Panel Views
The panel can be reordered or remove by clicking on the Manage Tabs Icon. Drag and drop the panel in the order you would like to see it and toggle off to remove the panel from viewing.
- Hover over right of field to expose 4 square dots and drag and drop into prioritized positioning. Click Apply for tabs to be re-ordered.
- Hover over green (or red) dot to expose (green) or hide (red). Click Apply to update tabs.
- Note:
- Changes made are applicable to the user only and will not impact other organizational users.
- Changes are dynamic to the contact type. Settings for "People" records will be applied to the users "People" only records. Locate an "Organization" and/or "Household" record to customize view and apply for these record types.

Quick Views:
Quickly access important information regarding your constituent, including easy click to view household connections, Organizational connections, other Connections, or prior External IDs.
Access system and custom badges immediately within contact viewing. Within the Key Data Points section, users can easily access prioritized custom fields. See FAQs for more details on creating and managing Badges and Custom Fields.
Contact Editing/Other Demographic Fields:
Click on the Pencil icon to manage, edit and update other demographic fields.
Navigate through each subtab to access demographic and other contact data points. Scroll down on the General subtab to access and update organizational, household, and custom field groups/fields.
FAQs & Additional Information:
Q. Where can I learn more about creating and managing custom fields?
A. See our article Contact Records: Creating Custom Field Groups and Custom Fields
Q. Where can I learn more about creating and managing system and custom badges?
A. See our article Contacts: How to Add Badges to a Contact Record
Q. Where can I learn more about creating and managing contact records?
A. See our articles:
Contacts: How to Create and Manage People Contact Records
Contacts: How to Create and Manage Household Contact Records
Contacts: How to Create and Manage Organization Contact Records