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Automation & Workflow: Modifying a Data Job
Authored by: Megan Gill
on 3/14/2025 4:46:00 PM


Throughout CharityEngine, you may have created an automated job for campaigns, reporting, or queries. Should you need to make a change to that data job, this article will walk you through the steps to take for modification. 


This will walk through modifications to existing data jobs. If you would like to learn more about setting up a data job, visit:

  1. How to Use the Report Builder Tool

  2. Exporting Data: How to Schedule an Export Data Job


Step 1: Navigate to the Automation & Workflow App > General > Job Scheduler > locate your job > ACTIONS: Manage

Step 2: Locate the tab needed for your required change:

  1. General Tab: To modify the job name, make inactivate, modify the start date, or create an end date, change the Data Job (or data source)
  2. Notifications Tab: add, delete, or edit recipient's email address, modify the email subject line, activate/deactivate sending when the data source contains no values
  3. Email Delivery Tab: select to have report sent as an attachment or password protect
  4. Ftp Tab: set up FTP delivery of your report
  5. Triggers Tab: update or delete sending triggers 

Step 3: Click SAVE to secure your changes. 

FAQs & Additional Reading

Q. I don't currently have a data job established. How can I learn more about how to set up a data job?
A. If you would like to learn more about setting up a data job, visit:

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