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Peer to Peer: Comprehensive Guide for Set Up, Configuration, and Reporting
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on 3/13/2025 8:11:00 AM


CharityEngine provides an easy way to create a peer-to-peer fundraising tool to allow your donors to generate support and generate fundraising within their own networks. Through CharityEngine's Peer-to-Peer feature, you can create a microsite for your individual and/or teams to fundraise for your organization. This microsite can be customized to display all the information needed for donors and participants to join. The microsite tool allows easy access to create and manage the event as well as provide up to date information on the tickets sold and donations that have been made.


    1. Before introducing Peer-to-Peer with your donors/fundraisers, please initiate a microsite (see Step 1 below).
    2. If this is an organization hosted event, please be sure to establish your event in the Events application first. Please see this article here for event set up.
    3. CharityEngine strongly discourages the usage of iframes for usage of site integration. Visit our article here regarding browser changes and impact when using iframes.

Table of Contents

Basic Configuration & Set Up

Step 1: Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Set-up & Configuration (Basic) 

Core configuration and set-up

Step 2: How to design your Peer-to-Peer microsite (Basic)

Design and image/content customization

Step 3: How to configure the peer-to-peer landing pages (Basic)

Design of out of the box landing pages for your fundraisers

Step 4: How to customize registrant Sign Up details (Basic)

Fundraiser sign up basics

Step 5: How to customize Receipt & Acknowledgements (Basic)

Receipting & Acknowledgement basics
Advanced Configuration & Set Up

How to create sender specific peer-to-peer emails within the peer-to-peer event (Advanced)

Advanced communication

How to create advanced settings, including Badges for Achievement levels, custom attribution codes, advanced programming (with HTML/JavaScript)

Advanced settings and features

How to create Join Codes

Advanced settings for 'join code' usage


How to create Promo Codes

Advanced settings for 'promo code' usage


How to create stand-alone web forms

Advanced set up stand-alone web forms (i.e., to allow donors to donate to a Peer-to-Peer event without an individual or team site)

Fundraiser & Donor Views

How to Sign Up as an Individual or as a Team

Fundraiser views


Fundraisers Tool Box: How a donor/fundraiser can monitor their results and communication/thank their donors

Fundraiser tools


Peer-To-Peer Dashboard: Editing Team and Individual Pages

Fundraiser out of the box customization

Administrative Monitoring of Peer-to-Peer

Donation Monitoring within Peer-to-Peer Microsite

Administrative - monitoring results


Administrative monitoring and reporting of Peer-to-Peer

  1. How to easily locate peer-to-peer individual and team pages associated with a microsite
  2. For Peer-to-Peer type = event, access event reporting for summary
  3. For Peer-to-Peer transaction details
  4. For Peer-to-Peer within the contact record

FAQs & Other Suggested Materials

Q. Our organization is hosting a Peer-to-Peer event. How do I create an event needed for the "Hosted Event" type?
A. Before beginning with your peer-to-peer set-up, please create your event within the Events & Volunteer app. Follow this article for event set up steps.

Q. What is the image size needed for social media sharing? 
A. In order to display organizational images/logos through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, CharityEngine recommends images of 1200X1200 pixels. As a note, Facebook recommends a size of 1200 X 630 pixels. Smaller images will be resized by Facebook and result in distorted images. Once you have your image you can upload by navigating to the Setting () App > General > General > Account Setting > General > expand Other Information (Optional) > Social Sharing Image > click select different image > upload image > Save.

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