You can create locations in which your events will take place under the CharityEngine® Events & Volunteers section!
Table of Contents
To find the Locations page, navigate to Events & Volunteers > Events > Locations.
Use the Quick Filters and Advanced Filter to find a previously created location.
Managing Existing Locations
When you have found a previously created location that you want to manage, hover over the three dots to the right of the location and click Manage.
General Tab
1. Name - Name of the location. This is how it will be listed in CharityEngine and Donor Facing items
2. Type - Select from the Dropdown what type of location it is.
3. Active - toggle Active or not
4. Parent - If this is a child location, select the parent from the dropdown
5. Child Type - if it is a parent location, select the type of child location it holds. For example, if the Location type is building, the child could be a room or auditorium. If it could host several different child types, select Any from the dropdown.
6. Capacity - This is the max amount of people the location can hold if there is no capacity, leave blank
7. Address - Address of the location. Tokens can be used to populate the address on emails and will use the data placed here.
Creating a New Location
To create a new location, click the + icon in the top right-hand corner of the listing screen.
Fill in the form that appears Click Create to create the new location.