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Peer-to-Peer: Configuring Tickets for P2P Hosted Events
Authored by:
on 3/25/2025 5:08:00 PM


When creating a new Hosted Event Peer-to-Peer site you will need to configure an event and tickets to link to your site. Tickets can include one or more values, including a value of $0.00 for registration. 


Step 1: To create an Event and the peer-to-peer associated tickets, navigate to the Events & Volunteers App > Events > Serach & Manage > Create New.

Step 2: Enter your event Name. Click SAVE to secure your changes.

Optionally, you can add a type, set a location, establish dates, assign a manager, add a description. 

Note that if you add a location with a mailing address, a map to your event will appear in the peer-to-peer landing pages.

Step 3: After creating the event, navigate to the Tickets tab and click Add New to create one or more tickets for your hosted event. 

Step 4: Provide a Name, a Price, a Tax-Deductible Amount, Total Available (0 for no limit), Number of Guests (if participants can include guests - 0 for no guests). Click SAVE to secure your changes.

Step 5: Navigate to the Online tab to set Sale Start and End Dates. Please toggle if you wish to display prior to start/end date. 

Note: If tickets are not displayed during testing, you will not be able to validate during testing. 

Step 6: Continue to add additional tickets as needed for your event. Click SAVE to secure your changes.

Step 7: Now you can initiate your Peer-to-Peer event and associate your event. Follow set-up steps here to associate the event and to begin associating your ticket(s).

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