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Email Campaign: Email Blacklist Management
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on 3/8/2025 2:31:00 PM


Managing your email list is crucial for not only reaching your constituents but for also managing your reputation as a sender. CharityEngine has integrated several technology tools to assist you in list management. Our outbound email delivery technology actively tracks and reports on responses in which the email address is reported as invalid. Once confirmed as invalid, CharityEngine will identify the user’s email address to prevent future email delivery failures.  

When an email has been added to the blacklist systemically or manually, CharityEngine will ensure any future email initiatives are not delivered to this population.  

Table of Contents


Source for Blacklisting: 

  • CharityEngine technology will evaluate and report on various email failures include: hard and soft bounce, permanent fails, and reported spam. These activities will be included within two source types:
    • Campaign List Cleaner – daily proactive list cleaning identifying various email failures  
    • Campaign Mailer – initiated with the delivery of an email initiative with CharityEngine  
      • Hurricane Feedback Loop Monitor – Outbound email delivery technology; providing feedback on deliverability responses from ISPs 
      • Data Jobs Processor – manual creation of blacklisting typically completed with importing jobs completed by an end user 

      Important: CharityEngine does not recommend removing emails from a Blacklist setting without through and confident investigation. Sending to a previously blocked email can result in email sending reputation damage and result in ESPs moving future emails to Spam/Promotional Inboxes, or in extreme cases, blocking delivery of your organizational emails. If you are managing your Blacklist within CharityEngine, it is important that any removal of a current blacklisted email has strong validation and can be confirmed as a valid and deliverable email prior to removing.  

      Interested in learning more about bounce types, categories and 3 ways to lower your bounce rates, see this Help Article from SocketLabs What is a Email Bounce? [Three Ways to Lower Your Bounce Rate] | SocketLabs  


      To access your account’s email blacklisting, follow these steps: 

      Navigation: Campaigns app > List Management > Email Blacklist 

      From the listing screen, search by a specific email address or time frame 

      CharityEngine will blacklist emails after certain events to ensure that the sender continues to have the best reputation possible with email providers. While it is not recommended, customers can request to have an email address removed from the CharityEngine blacklist.

      It is important to note that there are two blacklists – one that is maintained within the customer’s CharityEngine that a specific to the send history between the customer and receiving email since being in CharityEngine. In addition to the customer blacklist, there is a global blacklist that is utilized across all customers. Often the fails listed as Suppression Error are emails that are listed in CharityEngine’s global blacklist.

      FAQs & Additional Reading

      Q. Why did my email fail to send to this user?
      A. Learn more here on where and how to investigate email failures: Email Campaign: Investigating Failed Email Delivery

      For more information on Email Deliverability Best Practices, see Email Deliverability Best Practices

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