When creating a new person contact record, you can easily attach the contact to an organization. By navigating to the organization's contact record and creating a new member, the contact will automatically be attached to the organization and no further configuration will need to be made to connect the person to the organization.
Table of Contents
- Please consider business decisions when connecting people records to organizational records. Direct donations from the person record will role up into the organizational record as an 'employee' contribution.
Step 1: To create a new person, or connect an existing person record, using the organization's contact record, navigate to the People App > Organization & People > Contacts > locate the organizational record > View record organization record.
Step 2: Click on the + icon on the top right hand side and select Member to add a new contact
Step 3: Complete the necessary information - minimum of First Name and Last Name needed to create a contact record. Click SAVE to secure changes.
Step 4: Once the contact has been created, you will see they are connected with the organization by scrolling to the connections section on the contact record.
From the Organization's Record: