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Automation & Workflow: Manually Sending Year End Statements to Households
Authored by:
on 3/25/2025 7:25:00 PM


If your organization does not utilize the user center to send year end tax statements, or your organization would like to send these tax statements to households, end of year statements can be sent to your donors through an email and also through mail. 


The first step in manually sending year end statements is creating a query to identify the population and their transactional data.

Navigate to Automation & Workflow App > General > Queries > Create New. Select Donations from the filter dropdown and Transactions as the selected database.

To your select section, add Amount (Signed), Tax deductible amount Transaction Id, Household Name, Person Household Contact Id, and any contact information you will want to add to your email (address, email, phone number, etc.)

Next, click on the dropdown arrow on the Amount(signed) and set the formula to Sum. This will calculate the total sum of the transaction for the year. Preform the same action with the Tax Deductible Amount field to sum the total.

Next you will need to group by the Contact Id by clicking the dropdown arrow next to contact id and clicking Group by.

If you want the number of transactions in your email as well, you will need to set the formula for Transactions to Count Distinct.

After you have added any fields you want to display in your email, you will need to add your filters.

Add Transaction date created to the filter section and use the dropdown and select Between, then enter your fiscal year dates.

Next, add Payment Confirmed and enter 1 into the text box to filter for only confirmed payments

Lastly, add Person Household Contact Id to the filter and use the dropdown to select greater than and enter 0 into the text box.

Your query should look like below:

Click Save and Name your query.

Note: If you prefer to view the transactional detail, remove the Sum formulas as well as the Contact Id grouping setting. You can leverage the Sort Order next to RUN to sort your output by contact Id and/or transaction id.

Sending by Email

After your query has been created, you can create your creative that will be sent to your donors. Navigate to Campaigns > Create & Publish > Creative > Create New > Email Message.

From here you will be able to create your email that will be sent to your donor.

To insert the formal Salutation of the household, click on the dropdown next to Save and click on Merge tokens


In the text box, type Formal, select “Initiative. Audience Member. Formal Salutation”, and click copy selected

You will then be able to copy that into your email.

You will also be able to add an global tokens, such as address information using those merge tokens.

To add the transactional information that was pulled into the query, you will have to manually add the tokens, such as the sum of the transactions. By hovering over the field in the query, you will be able to see the token that needs to be added to the email.

Your email should looks similar to the below example.

When you are done creating and have saved it, you can then send to your contacts by navigating to Campaigns > Quick Actions > Email Blast and Select your query from the dropdown and continue sending as you normally would

Sending by  Mail
if your organization is opting to send these year end statements by mail, the process is much the same as email and the same query can be used. To send a direct mail piece, navigate to Campaigns > Create & Publish > Creative > Create New > Mailing Creative.

You will be able to create your message using the WYSIWYG and any tokens that you may need.

Once you have your message configured the way you want it, click save, then click "Mail Initiative" under the save dropdown. You will then be navigated to the Mail initiative screen where you can select your list, just as you would when sending an email.

To print your mail piece, navigate to Reports & Analytics > Campaigns > Initiative Analytics and find the direct mail initiative that was created. Click on the number next to segments to expand the section.


 Then, under actions, click Download Mail file.

All audience member letters will be downloaded and you will be able to print them and send to your donors.

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